1927 Barflies and Cocktails
May Dame Fortune ever smile on you, but never bee • daughter, Miss Fortune. To the Hardware Trade. Although rhey profess to honesty, they sell iron and steel f<;>r a living. Toast to Writers. Here's to the angel who shoves the quill When he's not sick of himself he makes others ill. Toast to the Politician. If a nation hath not greatness then it never can be great, For there's nothing like to virtue in the building of a stal:!· Bar-keeper's Toast. Trust bus~ Here's to the moneyless man crushed with sorrow and pain. May he think of the barman when his star rises again . For a' chat and a' that, It's coming yet for a' that, That man to man, the world o'er, Shall brichers be for a' that. Foe me, I'm woman's slave confessed ; Without her, hopeless and unblessed. Here's to a bottle and an honest friend ! what wad ye wish for mair, man ? Wha kens, before his life may end, what bis sha~e, may be of care, man ! Then catch the moments as they fly, and use them as ye ought, man ; Believe me, h appiness is shy, and comes not aye when sought. man. Here's to y ou, as good as you are ; And h ere's to me, as bad as I am. But as good as you are, and as bad as I am ; I' m as good as you are, as bad as I am. May the hinges of friendship never ruse ·Or the wings of love lose a feather. Here's to the pl ace where a drap of guid drink's co be gotten.
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