1927 Barflies and Cocktails

3ncnrdi Cocktail. 1 teaspoonful Grenadine, 1/J Gin, 2/ 3 Bacardi Rum. Juice of half a Lime. (Bacardi Rum comes from Cuba. ) Bnmboo Cocktnil. 1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/ 2 wineglass Dry Sherry, 1/ 2 wineglass French Vermouth. (Charlie Mahot7ey, Bar-tmder, Hoffman House, New York) . Bijou Cocktnil. Use a large bar glass. 1 dash Orange Bitters. 1/ 3 Green Chartreuse, 1/ 3 lcalian Vermouth, 1/ 3 Plymouth Gin. Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass. add a cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of le.mon peel on top, and serve. ( Recipe from Harry Johmof1 of New Orleans.) Block Bottom Cocktail. Half fill a large wine glass with shaved Ice, add Cherry Juice (not Guignoler) to cover the lee and as much more of Gentiane Dubois. Shake and turn it into the same sized glass and fill up with Syphon. Serve with an Olive. (Recipe from S. R. Cope of Chatou) . Blackthorn Cocktnil. 3 dashes Angostura. 3 dashes Absinthe, 1/ 2 I rish Whisky, 1/ 2 French Vermou th. Shake well, and strain into cocktail glass. Blnnchc Cocktail. 1/J Cointreau, 1/J Anisette, 1/ 3 Cura~ao (whi te) . Sha~e

well and strain into cocktail glass. (A popular after-dinner cocktail.)

Block and Fall Cocktail. 1/ 6 Anis D el Oso or Absinthe, 1/ 6 Calvados, 1/J Brandy, 1 /J Cointreau.


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