1927 Barflies and Cocktails

delicious beverages arc given. Stewards of clubs. din ing-car managers. and hurlers in privare families, and all those who carer to the exclusive classes. will find thi~ work an almost indispensable aid to .them in the performance of their duties. The merit and honour involved in any occupation - with all that th:s assertion implies - lies wholly in the conscien– tious and intelligent manner in which the d uties of that occupation are discharged. In recent years the bar business, keeping pace with other depa rtments of commercial cntcr– p:ise co which our growi ng and complex civil ization has given impetus, has developed into a profession requiring rhe highest order of scientific skill to ensure success. To all those engaged in the d ispensing of liquors, who are ambitious to elevate rbeir business t':> the very highest plane of excel– lence, chis pocket guide will appeal wirb greater force after rhey shall have examined irs contents and realiz ed the full exren r of its usefulness and value. P rompred more by a desire to confer a lasting 0 benefir upon fellow-workers in rhe great arr of mixing d rinks than from any business considera– tion, t his little work is most confid ently encrusted to the kindly considerarion and the fair and impartial judgment of the p rofession by the author, late of Plaza. New York ; Casino Municipal. Enghien, and Nice ; and of Ciro's L ondon and Deauville, now proprietor of Ha rry' s New York Bar. 5, Rue D aunou, Paris.



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