1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Egg Nogg (llot).

Use large bar glass. 1 teaspoonful Suga r, 1 Fresh Egg.

Beat well up w ith spoon by turning briskly, add boiling Milk while stirring, then add 1 glass Brand y, 1 glass Rum. Stir until properl y blended, then grate nurmeg on top and serve.

E lk's Own Cock1ail. White of a Fresh Egg. 1/3 Rye Whisky, 1/J Port Wine. Juice of half Lemon, 1 teaspoonful Suga r. Shake well, strain into wineglass. and a slice of pineapplt. Empire Punch . In a large tumbler pur 3 or 4 lumps of ice. rhen add 1 tea– spoonful Maraschino, 1 teaspoonful Cura~ao (Bois), 1 tea– spoonful Benedictine, 1 teaspoonful Brandy, 1 wine glass of C larer. Fill balance wirh Champagne, srir well and decorate wi:h fruits in season. (R ecipe from Charlie Casino Bar, Dieppe.) E. Nos Cock1ail. 1 /J French Ve rmouth, 2/J Gordon Gin, 3 dashes of Ab · si nche. Shake well and strain. Elon Blazer. In a large rumbler put 3 or 4 lumps of ice, the juice of one Lemon, 1 glass of Gilbey's Gi n. 1/ 2 glass Groseille Syrup, 1/ 2 glass of Kirsch. Fill balance wirh Soda. stir well and serve wirh straws. -28-

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