1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Jack Rose Cocktail. 1/J Apple Jack or Calvados, 1/ 6 Gin, 1/ 12 French Ver– mourh, 1/12 Iralian Vermourh, 1/ 6 Orange Juice, 1/6 Lime or Lemon Juice, Grenadine enough .co colour. Japanese Cocktail. 1 reaspoonful Orgcar Syrup, 2 dashes Angostu~a Bitters, I glass Brandy. Shake well, strain into cocktail glass, with a cherry. Jersey Cocktail. Puc 3 or 4 lumps of Ice in a large tumbler, 3 or 4 dashes of Angoscura Bitters. Fill balance with Cider. Slightly stir. (Recipe from the Hoffman House, New York.)

Jockey Club Cocktail. I dash Orange Bircers, 1 dash Angosrura Birters, 2 dashes Creme de Noyau, 1 teaspoonful Lemon Juice, 2/ 3 Gin. Shake well, strain inro cocktail glass, and squeeze lemon peel on cop. John Collins. Puc 3 or 4 lumps of Ice in a large rumbler, Juice of 1 Lemon, 2 teaspoonfuls of Sugar, 1 glass of Hollands Gin. Fill balance with Soda Water. Stir well. (It has been the practice t? use London Gin in this drink for some time.) J. 0. S. Cocktail. 1/J Gin, 1/J French Vermouth, 1/J Italian Vermouth. 1 dash of Orange Bitters, 1 dash of Lemon Juice. 1 dash of Brandy. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass and squeeze lemon peel on top. -38 -

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