1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Prairie Oys ter Cocktail. Puc 2 spoonfuls of Worceste~ Sauce (Le~ and Perrin's) drop the yol.k of a Fresh Egg w1chout breaking, add a little red Pepper and Salt on that and pour 2 spoonfuls of malt Vinegar on top. Prestoman Cocktail. I dash of Absinthe, 1/J Orange Juice, 1/ 6 Italian Ver– mouth, 2/J Brandy. Princess Mary Cocktail• .1/J Gin. 1/J Creme de Cacao, 1/J Fresh Cream. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. (This cocktail was introduced by myself in honour of Princess Mary's wedding co Lord L ascelles, February, 1 922.)

Princeton Cocktail. 2 dashes of Orange Bitters, 1 teaspoonful of Pore Wine, 1 glass of Old Tom Gin. Shake well and strain. Squeeze lemon peel on top.

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