1927 Barflies and Cocktails

S to n e Fence. Put 1 glass of Whisky in large t umble r. add t or 2 lumps of Ice, and fill balance with Cider. Sun sh in e Cocktail. 1 teaspoonful of Sugar. or Gomme Syrup. Juice of 1/ 4 Lemon, add 1/3 E tournard's B randy. 2/J Kinloch's " Liquid Sunshi.nc" Rum. Shake well and strain. Swissess. 1 white of a Fresh Egg, r teaspoonful of Anisette Syru p. 1 glass of Absinthe. Shake well together, and strain into small wineglass, and add a dash of syphon on top. (This is a very good bracer for that feeling of the morn– ing after the night before. )

T a ng le foot Cockta il. 1/J Swedish Punch, 1/J Bacardi Rum, 1/ 6 O range J uice, 1/ 6 Lemon Ju ice. (R ecipe by Chatly Kinney at Harry' s New Yo rk Bae, Paris. ) Tango Cocktail. 1/ 6 Cura~ao, 1/ 6 Orange J uice, 1/J Ital ian V ermouth, 1/ 3 Plymourh Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. and squeeze orange peel on top. ( Recipe by Harry, Bartender Palermo, Rue Fontaine, Paris.)

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