1927 Barflies and Cocktails

fresh milk, one teaspoonful of ground chocolate. all well shaken. Fred and Clif, the Heavenly Twins of the Hilltop, tender visitors to their Artists' Grill the simplest of all recipes: "anything or everything in .the .?ouse, shaken well, and no more· than two glasses at a time. Strayed far from lower Manhattan, Harry Friend eulogizes the " Park Row Cocktail:" I/3 absinthe, I /3 rye, I/3 mare ; then he advises that you go, or be carried to the hay. The anagrammatic Bill Henly just would think up a " Vowel Cocktail : " Angostura bitters, a dash, Eckau kummel. 1/ 6; Italian vermouth, 1/3 ; Orange juice, 1/6; Usher's / whiskey, 1/.3. It iooks as though Sid Horner is rattling the bones of his past when he suggests the " Minstrel Cocktail :" I / 2 bale of hay, small--bag of oats, one b·ox of burnt cork; put in a large piece of ice from the Black Sea (or a lump of coal will do), shake well, then throw the ~ontents in the sink, and serve the glass with a smile. J. W. Janicki, remembering certain things about Soviet– land, is all for the "Bolo:" 1/ 2 sloe gin, 1/ 2 Gordon gin. Silent Frank Keaney softly whispers · bis recipe for a gloomy night in the eogs and calls it a " Banshee Cocktail:" 1 /3 Irish whiskey, 1 /3 . green mint, 1 /3 Italian vermouth ; ochone! Chuck Kerwood takes to the air so frequently that he likes a stiff steadier when he comes down to earth. The famous flying man calls his concoction the "Burnt Fuselage.' And believe me, 1/3 Grand Marnier, 1/3 Cognac, and 1/ 3 French vermouth, and your own fuselage will be warm, ~o say the least. Thar distinguished scientist, Richard Klegin, has evolved from his giant brain a real killer. " Kleginite," this kamera– fiend kalls it, and it's potent enough to korrect even a Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan. Simple, too; 1/ 2 Italian vermouth and 1/ 2 Japanese sake. Ain' t science wonderful ? Pierre Loving p;iuses a minute in his labor of chronicling the Latin Quarter to explain the mysteries of his own per punch. For each person; 1/3 Cinzano, 1/ 6 Italian vermouth, 1/ 6 port, 1/ 12 grenadine, 1/ 12 rum. That's the punch that's the life; and death, of the studio party. -81 -

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