1927 Barflies and Cocktails

A. 0. F. B. Cocktail. 1/J Rum . 1/J Brandy, 1/ 6 Cura~ao. 1/ 6 Grenadine. (Recipe by Be~t Temple, Hon. S!c. Ye A ncient Order of Froth Blowers.)

Apple Jack Cocktail. "ยท 2/3 Apple Jack, 1/ 6 Grenadine, 1/6 Lemon Juice. Artists' Special. 1/3 Scotch Whisky, l/J Sherry, 1/ 6 Lemon juice. 1/ 6 Groseille syrup. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. (Recipe from Artists Bar, Rue Pigal/e, Paris.) . Astoria Cocktail 1 dash Orange Bitters, 2/3 Gin, 1 /J French Vermouth. Serve with stuffed Olive. Attack Cocktail l /2 Calvados, 1/ 4 Sherry, 1/ 4 Brandy, 1 dash Anis, 3 to 4 dashes of Grenadine, 1 dash of Angostura. Shake well and serve. (Recipe from Johnn y's Bar, Rue Port Mahon, Paris.)

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