1927 Barflies and Cocktails

LIST OF T RAPS ,....Gu 1-l - GUZL_-

Trap No.




H eadq uarters H arry's New York Bar, s , rue Danou

Paris Nice

Hurry JlfcElhone Ben and Ann Litt. Ji mmy Quiggley R. L eigh W. W, Walsh Fred. Bartender H . Martin ~I. Pollack Easlam Guild \V. S. Taylor ). ). Goodwin Koger Fair 13. W. Howe '.II. Lenzer Donnld White R. A. JlfcCormnck J. C. Busenkell T. l\lillard \\'. F. Seibold.

New York Bar ·' The H annibal, 33 W. 48 .1a 44 West 44th St. 4 t327 Michigan Avenue 5 Adlon H otel Bar 6 Embassy 7 H otel Cecil Bar, Strand 8 Papeeto Tahiti 9 Knrapanos Bldgs 1o Plaza Hotel Bar 11 c/o Australasia Bank 12 Embassy 13 Club de Constantinople

St.. New York Detr~ 0 it Berlin Riga London East-I ndies Athens Rome

Melbourne La H ague Cpnstant inople Vienna ·Los Angeles Philadelphia Shanghai Sioux-City

14 Grand Hotel Bar . 15 t 33 Swiny Blvd. 16 Chestnut Hill 17 Plaza Hotel 18 301 Sioux Spt. H otel

- 9 1

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