1927 Drinks of All Kinds

PREFACE AND DIRECTIONS Gum syrup is prepared in the same manner, adding eight ounces of the best small gum arable to the sugar, and stirring from time to time until cold and the gum is dissolved. \ViNES. All wines should be kept in an even temperature, lying in a horizontal position, so tnat the corks are always moist and evapora- lon prevented. Care must be taken in un corking to avoid shaking the sediment. Wine may be warmed by placing before a fire, by pu ting the bottle in hot water, or by steaming the glasses before pouring it out. It has not been thought necessary to give Kecipes for the preparation of Tea and Coffee, ^cepting for the iced varieties; and as regards Cocoa, theMakers' Directions are generally ex- P for example, those of Messrs. Cad- ^ury, whose Cocoa may be accepted as abso- lu ey pure, forming a delicious beverage at breakfast, luncheon, supper,and between meals. It IS suitable for the robust, the young, and the aged, as well as for those of weak and im- paired digestion.


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