1927 Drinks of All Kinds



Claret, Mulled. Put into a bowl the peel and juice of one lemon, a tablespoonful of powdered sugar, and one wineglass of sherry; make a bottle of claret quite hot, and add it to the above; then put in a sprig of verbena, and serve with a dust of nutmeg. Columbia Skin. Put into a small tumbler one wineglass of Scotch whiskyand a small piece of lemon-peel; fill the tumbler half full with boiling water. Beat two eggs with a little honey in a small bowl or a jug, add a pinch of ground cloves and a liqueur glass of curagoa; then add, beating all the time, one pint of burgundymade boiling hot. Dust with nutmeg. Mulled Port (or other Wine). The following lines by Jerry Thomas may be found instructive and amusing : Locomotive. {See also page \\o^

' First, my dear madam, you must take Nine eggs, which carefully you'll break ; Into a bowl you'll drop the white. The yolks into another by it Let Betsy beat the whites with switch Till they appear quite frothed and rich ; Another hand the yolks must beat With sugar, which will make them sweet— Three or four spoonfuls maybe '11 do. Though some, perhaps, would take but two.


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