1927 Drinks of All Kinds



clean vessel until the flavour is extracted; then add the wine and sugar, and bring the whole to the boiling-point. Serve with dry toast or biscuits. Pope. {See also page no.) This drink is very similar to Bishop. Roast two Seville oranges, cut into quarters, and take out the pips; pour over them a bottle of hot burgundy, adding sugar to taste, put them in a stewpan, and just bring to the boil; then strain. A tablespoonful of brandy is a great improvement. Rumfustian. (See also page no.) Beat up in a large tumbler or a jug the yolks of two eggs, with a tablespoonful of icing sugar ; then take half a pint of Burton ale, one wine glass of gin, one wineglass of sherry, a little spice, and the rind of a quarter of a lemon. Let the ale, wine, and gin, mixed together, come to the boil, then pour into the egg mix ture, whisking rapidly; serve hot, with a dash of nutmeg on top. Rum, Spiced. (See also page no.) In a small tumbler put a teaspoonful of icing sugar, one wineglass of Jamaica rum, a small piece of fresh butter, and a little mixed spice; nearly fill a tumbler with hotwater, andmix well together.

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