1927 Drinks of All Kinds


White House. Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of each of the following syrups : curagoa punch, ginger champagne, lemon punch, pineapple punch, ginger brandy, and rum punch; mix well, and fill up the tumbler with boiling water. White Lion. Put into a small tumbler a tablespoonful of each of the following syrups: lemon cham pagne, rum punch, cura9oa punch, and rasp berry ; mix well, and fill up the tumbler with boiling water. Wood Lawn. Put into a tumbler a tablespoonful of each of the following syrups: cherry cider, plum, and raspberry; add a wineglass of canary sack, fill up the tumbler with boiling water. Wyndham. Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of each of the following syrups: cherry brandy, cura9oa, champagne cider, pineapple punch, and orange bitters; mix well, and fill up the tumbler with boiling water.


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