1927 Drinks of All Kinds



English Champagne. Mash any quantity of grapes, white or black, and to every pint of pulp put one pint of water ; just bring to the boil, and strain through a bag or sieve, and to every pint of juice put a quarter of a pound of loaf sugar, broken small; again bring it to the boil, and when quite cold have sufficient bottles ready (champagne bottles if possible), well fitted with corks; fill the bottles nearly full, and then add to each a teaspoonful of brandy, and the like quantity of carbonate of potash; cork tight immediately. A teaspoonful of maraschino is an improvement. Fig and Apple Drink. Put into a skillet twelve fresh dried figs cut open, four apples cut into slices without peel ing, and half a pound of loaf sugar, broken small; add two quarts of water, boil for twenty minutes, strain through a sieve, and let it stand till cold, when it is ready to serve. French Plum Drink. To every quart of boiling water throw in twelve French plums, and let them boil twenty minutes ; let them remain till cold, then add to each quart two or three tablespoonfuls of icing sugar, strain, and add a glass of port to each quart; it is fit for immediate use, or may be bottled.

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