1927 Drinks of All Kinds



French Plum. Another Way.

Put one pound of French plums into a mortar, pound them well, add three tablespoonfuls of sifted sugar and three pints of boiling water ; set over a clear fire in a skillet and boil for twenty minutes; strain, and add a small quantity of liquid cochineal to make a good colour. When cold, bottle for use. Half a glass of port wine to each pint of the mixture may be added if approved of. To each pound of fruit free from stalks allow half a pound of sifted sugar. Mash the fruit well, place in a skillet, and add to each pound of fruit three-quarters of a pint of water, simmer gently for half an hour, strain through a jelly bag, and bottle. If required to be kept for any length of time, a wineglass of brandy to each quart of syrup must be added to prevent fermentation. All fruit drinks are improved by the addition of a small quantity of lemon juicei A pleasant syrup may be made with liquor from tinned peaches, pineapple, etc., by boiling with sugar to taste, and adding lemon juice and a tablespoonful of equal quantities of rum and noyau to each pint. Fruit Drinks.


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