1927 Drinks of All Kinds



Baltimore Egg Nogg. Beat the yolks of sixteen eggs and twelve tablespoonfuls of icing sugar to the consistency of cream ; beat into this two-thirds of a grated nutmeg, then pour in half a pint of good brandy or Jamaica rum and two wine glasses of Madeira wine. Have ready the whites of the sixteen eggs whipped to a stiff froth, and beat them well into the above mixture, and then stir in six pints of good rich milk. Made in the above manner, this forms an excellent drink for debilitated people and a nourishing diet for consumptives. For other Noggs, see pages 61 and 8g. Barley Wa,ter. Mix one tablespoonful of prepared barley to a smooth paste with two tablespoonfuls of water, add the juice and thinly-pared rind of one lemon ; pour on boiling water to make up a pint, stirring all the time; set aside to get cold, sweeten to taste. This can be made without the lemon, and an equal quantity of good milk added to it, when it makes a nourish ing, digestible food for invalids and infants. Beef Tea Cordial. Make half a pint of beef tea by adding the required quantity of boiling water to one large dessert-spoonful of bovril; ice for an hour; add one dessert-spoonful of brandy. Serve with finger strips of dry toast.

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