1927 Drinks of All Kinds


Cool Tankard. Ingredients.—One bottle of Bass's bitter beer; one pint of sherry; three ounces of sugar; mint, borage; half a teaspoonful of grated nutmeg; half a pound of pounded ice; one bottle of soda water. Put the wine, sugar, nutmeg, mint, and borage into a bowl for fifteen minutes. Take out the mint, add the ale, half a pound of pounded ice> and the soda water. Stand in a refrigerator for fifteen minutes. Maitrank. Infuse in a bottle of Rhenish or Moselle wine a handful of fresh woodroof. Let it stand an hour, strain, add two teaspoonsfuls of sugar, ice it well, and when serving add two or three fresh sprigs of woodroof and some slices of orange.

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