1927 Drinks of All Kinds



Tom Collins. Put into a large tumbler one tablespoonful of icing sugar, three or four pieces of ice, one wineglass of Old Tom gin, and thirty drops of lime or lemon juice. Then pour in one bottle of soda-water, mix well, remove the ice, and serve. Velvet. Put into a small tumbler one wineglass of still moselle, half a wineglass of sherry, a small piece of rind of lemon, and a little icing sugar; fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and strain ; put on the top a sprig of verbena. Whisky Daisy. Put into a large tumbler the juice of a small lemon, half a tablespoonful of icing sugar, six drops of lime-juice, and dissolve with a squirt of syphon seltzer. Nearly fill the glass with shaved ice, add one wineglass of whisky, more ice, and half a wineglass of yellow chartreuse ; stir well, strain into another glass, ornament with fruit, and serve. White Lion. Put into a small tumbler one and a half tea- spoonfuls of icing sugar, and the thin rind of half a lemon; then add one wineglass of Santa Cruz or white rum, half a teaspoonful of curafoa, and the like quantity of raspberry syrup; fill with shaved ice, shake well, strain, and serve with berries in season.

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