1927 Drinks of All Kinds

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Brandy Sangaree. Put into a small tumbler one teaspoonful of icing sugar, half a wineglass of water, one wine glass of brandy, and fill up to two-thirds with shaved ice; mix with a spoon, dash the top with port wine, and dust with nutmeg. Gin Sangaree. Into a small tumbler put one teaspoonful of icing sugar, one wineglass of gin, and half a wineglass of water; fill two-thirds with shaved ice, dash vinth port wine, and dust with nut meg. Port Wine Sangaree. Put into a small tumbler one and a quarter wineglasses of port wine and a teaspoonful of icing sugar; fill the tumbler two-thirds full with shaved ice, shake well, strain, and dust with nutmeg. Porter Sangaree, or Porteree. This is made the same as Ale Sangaree, sub stituting porter for ale. Sherry Sangaree. Put into a small tumbler one wineglass of sherry and one teaspoonful of icing sugar; fill the tumbler one-third with shaved ice, shake well, strain, and dust with nutmeg.

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