1927 Drinks of All Kinds



SHRUBS. AH shrubs should be carefully strained before bottline, and then tightly corked. Brandy Shrub. Put the juice of five lemons and the rind of ttvo into two quarts of brandy, cover it over for three days; then add a quart of sherry and two pounds of loaf sugar, run it through a iellv bag, and bottle. Cherry Shrub. In an iron pot of water place an earthenware pot of ripe acid cherries, free from stalks ; boil till the juice is extracted, then strain through a cloth just thick enough to retain the pulp, and sweeten to taste. When perfectly clear, bottle it, and seal the cork. By putting a gill of brandy into each bottle, it will keep through the summer. It makes an excellent drink mixed with water. Currant Shrub. Boil one pint of strained currant juice and one pound of sugar for ten minutes, skimming it well; take it off, and when lukewarm add half a gill of brandy to each pint of shrub. Bottle tight.

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