1927 Drinks of All Kinds



SWIZZLES. These drinks are made the same as Cock tails, only substituting a swizzle-stick, or using a whisk instead of a shaker, and omitting the ice.

TODDY. {See also page 98.) Apple.

Put into a small tumbler a tablespoonful of icing sugar, one wineglass of cider brandy, half a baked apple, and a small lump of ice; mix with a spoon. Brandy. Put into a small tumbler a teaspoonful of icing sugar, half a wineglass of water, and one wine glass of brandy; add a small lump of ice, mix with a spoon, and add half a slice of lemon. Gin. This is made the sameas the Brandy Toddy, substituting gin for brandy. Whisky. This is made the same as the Brandy Toddy, substituting whisky for brandy.

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