1927 Drinks of All Kinds



Regent. Put into a bowl one wineglass of champagne, one wineglass of hockheimer, one wineglass of cura9oa, half a wineglass of Jamaica rum, one wineglass of madeira, and nearly a pint of very hot tea; mix well and serve. This is sufficient for four persons. Royal. Peel a lemon very thin, and put the rind into a bowl with two tablespoonfuls of icing sugar; pour on this a pint of hot strong tea, the juice of two lemons, half a pint of brandy, half a pint of Jamaica rum, one wineglass of cura9oa, one wineglass of calf's foot jelly, or the whites of two eggs beaten to a froth, and one wineglass of arrack; mix well; the tea must be very hot, as it should be drunk as warm as possible. This is sufficient for a party of ten. If too strong add more tea. Ruby. Put into a small tumbler a tablespoonful of icing sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one wineglass of arrack, and one wineglass of port wine; fill up with hot tea. Rum. Put into a large tumbler a teaspoonful of icing sugar, one wineglass of Jamaica rum, and one wineglass of brandy; then add half a pint of boiling water, a little lemon-juice and grated nutmeg.

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