1928 Giggle Water by Charles S Warnock



246. STRAWBERRY WINE 12 gallons bruised strawberries, 10 gallons cider, 7 gal lons water, 25 pounds sugar. Ferment, then add Yz ounce bruised orris root, Yz ounce bruised bitter almonds, Y2 ounce bruised cloves, 6 oimces red tartar.

247. CHAMPAGNE The process of making American and imitation French champagne is one requiring great care, especially in pro ducing a not only clear, but bright wine. Full directions are given below for making the necessary syrup, mixing the ingredients, fining, filtering and gassing; including a number of receipts for different kinds of champagne. A careful attention to the instructions laid dovm will pro duce wines which will compare favorably with the best genuine importations. 248. TO MAKE A FILTER FOR FILTERING WINES A filter for wines is usually made of felt, shaped like a cone or sugar loaf; those without any seam are the best. A lining of paper pulp is prepared in the following man ner: Tear from 2 to 4 sheets filtering paper into small pieces and put it into a pail; pour over it a little boiling water, sufficient, by thorough beating, to form a fine smooth paste; then add sufficient water to fill the filter.

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