1928 Giggle Water by Charles S Warnock



36. ELEPHANT'S MILK Take 2 ounces gum benzoin, i pint spirit of wine, 2>^ pints boiling water. When cold, strain and add 1^2 pounds sugar.

37. HUILE DE VENUS ' Take 6 ounces of flowers of wild carrot, picked, 10 pints spirit of wine. Distill in a bath heat. To the spirit add as much syrup of Capillaire; it may be colored with cochineal.

38. LIGNODELLA Take the thin peel of 3 oranges and 3 lemons; steep them in Yz gallon of brandy or rum, close stopped for 2 or 3 days. Then take 3 quarts of water and i >4 pounds of loaf sugar clarified with the whites of 2 eggs. Let it boil 54 hour, then strain it through a fine sieve, and let it stand till cold; strain the brandy with the peels, add the juice of 3 oranges and 5 lemons to each gallon. Keep it close stopped up 5 weeks, then bottle it.

39. MARASCHINO I gallon proof whiskey, 2 quarts of water, dissolve 4 pounds of sugar, 54 dram oil of bergamot, ^ dram oil

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