1928 Giggle Water by Charles S Warnock

32 GIGGLE WATER 56 RATAFIA DE THURO D'ORANGE Take 2 p>ounds of fresh flowers of orange-tree, i gallon proof spirit, pounds of sugar. Digest for 6 hours-

57. RATAFIA A LA VIOLETTE Take 2 drams Florentine orris root, i ounce archil, 4 pints spirit of wine. Digest, strain, and add 4 pounds sugar.

58. USQUEBAUGH, NO. i Usquebaugh is a strong compound liquor, chiefly taken by the dram. It is made in the highest perfection at Drog- heda in Ireland. The following are the ingredients: Take 2 quarts of best brandy, yi pound raisins, stoned, ounce nutmegs, ounce cardamoms, Ya ounce saffron, rind of Seville orange, pound brown sugar candy. Shake these well every day for at least 14 days, and it will at the expiration of that time be ready to be fined for use.

59. GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING CORDIALS The materials employed in the preparation of cordials are rain or distilled water, white sugar and clean, per-

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