1929 For Home Use by E G G Smythers Pty Ltd

tir a11d fiJI up 11al[ witl1 Cider a11cl l1alf. · witl1 Dry Ginger· Ale. Ser\ e. LEMON FAN. °'e\xJ p.ieces of Ice in a tun1bler. Add l~ teaspoon Fernet Bitte1·s, 1 bottle Le111onade . Stir and ser\re. Tl1i iu si111ple at1d a thirst-- quencl1er. • MT. BUFFALO COOLER. Beat an egg and pour· it into a thin tu1nbler. 1 teas1Joo11 of Syrup, 4 dashes. Bitter , jui<.~e of 1 Le11101~1. F"ll up witl1 Cider· spri11kle Nt1t111eg or1 top a11 d '"" e1-\1e. WINES. Althot1gl1 111ost persons l1a\·e prefere11ces· ai1d ideas concernir1 g wir1es, it is often ad ... ·isable to place 1·elia11 ce 011 your wi11e 111er .... cl1a11t. Sl111ilarly wl1e11 .di11in g out, tl1e assist ... a11ce f \ rine steward · of g( od class l1otel · is. al x1ay aluable . • :Vl1e11 purcl1asi11g v\1i11e, for 110111e u se, it i ad\isa.ble to order ·a quantity of 11alf bottle to · satisfy occauion wl1e11 11a1 f bottles. will be , ufficient. · STC)R~f\GE. All wi11es l1cJt_1]d be laid OlL tl1eir ~ ide. The 1101-izo11tal po,~ itio11 pi-events co1-!{ , 1 eco1ni11g de~11aturali ed ai1d tinduly p r t1 · keep:-; \J..1i11e ali\ 1 e a11d in good co11 ... ditio11. t11at tl1e 11attl1-al color ot tl1e \\1i11e 111ay sl10\ 1, it i ~ '\. 1 iser to l _1se cleat· glass . ...._,, ER\!ING. Most \J,rine, to l~ e :c1·ved at rour1d abottt tl1e te111peratL1re of tl1e roo111, partict1larly claret~ hurgt1ndie : wl1ile wl1ite wine saute1 .. 11e, Gi·ave , a11 be a shade · cooler than the .temperatu1·e. Cl1a111pagnes. a11d sparkli11g \'. 1 ine. tc.) be c 1d. 13



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