1929 For Home Use by E G G Smythers Pty Ltd


Cover 2 oz. Pearl Barley with ~old water and boil f 01· a minute or two. Strain, put Barley in jug, and 3 lumps Sugar, the pared rind of t Lemon, and 1 pt. boiling Water. When cold, strain, add 1 teaspoon Bitters . Can be served witl1 Soda Water if desired . • GR.i\PE UICE. • Pottr 1 pt. water ove1- 2 lb. grape . Sim111e1~ slo\vly for 5 1ni11utes, strain through cheese clotl1, add teaspoor;i Bitters, sweete11 to taste. Serve cold. LEMON WATER. Pl1t the thinly pared 1·ind of 1 Lemon, tl1e st1-ained jt1ice of l2 Len1011s, Sugar to taste into jug. Add 1 pt. boiling Water, cover, and allow to stand till cold. Strain and add 1 teaspoon Bitters. Ser\1e hot or cold, as preferred. · O.ATMEAL WATER. Stir to smooth paste 2 tablespoons fine Oat ... meal in teacup of cold Water; then pour ·into 2 pts. of boiling Water. Stir \Vell, add pinch Salt, and boil for 30 minutes. Strain, add one teaspoon of Angostura. Serve hot or cold, as desi1·ed .


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