1929 Libro de Cocktail - The Cocktail Book by Juan A Lasa

MAHJONG COCKTAIL Use a chilled glass One part juice of mandarin orange, with teas-

poonful of sugar well dissolved. One part Old Tom Gin.

Shake well in the shaker with well broken ice,

strain and serve cold in cocktail glass.

MANHATTAN COCKTAIL (Sweet) Use a chilled glass .Two drops of Angostura Bitters. One part Whiskey. One parte Italian Vermouth. Yl Teaspoonful of sugar. Stir in glass with two pieces of ice and serve in chilled cocktail glass with small slice of lemon rind. MANHATTAN COCKTAIL (Dry) Use a chilled glass Same as above using French Vermouth instead RUM COCKTAIL (RUM MOJO) Use a chilled glass In medium sized glass. One teaspoonful of sugar. The juice of a medium sized green lemon cut of Italian.

in two parts.

The rind of one of these halves to be scraped

into strainer and poured into glass. One Sprig of mint. Several pieces of broken ice.

Two or three fingers of bacardi.


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