1929 Libro de Cocktail - The Cocktail Book by Juan A Lasa

SOFT COCKTAIL Use. a chilled glass

One teaspoonful of-sugar. The juice of one half a lime. The white of one egg. One portion of Old Tom Gin. Shake well in the shaker with well broken ice,

strain and serve cold in the cocktail glass.

YACH CLUB COCKTAIL Use a chilled glass

Two drops of Oronge Bitter. One third part Gordon Gin.

One third part Italian Vermouth. One third part of orange juice. One teaspoonful of sugar. Shake in the shaker with well broken ice, strain

and serve cold in the cocktail glass.

VALENTINO COCKTAIL Use a chilled glass

One teaspoonful of sugar. The juice of one half lemon. Two drops of orange bitter. Three drops Fernet Branca. One portion Italian Vermouth. Shake in the shakef with well broken ice, strain RON RICKEY Use a chilled glass In a medium sized glass two pieces of ice, the juice of one half lemon, one portion Bacardi Rum and cold soda-water. and serve cold in the cocktail glass.


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