1929 Libro de Cocktail - The Cocktail Book by Juan A Lasa

MARY PICKFORD COCKTAIL U&e a chilled glass One part juice of pineapple. One part Bacardi Rum. A few drops of granadine. A few drops of Marrasquino. Shake well in ihe shaker with well broken ice,

strain and serve cold in the cocktail glass.

CHAPARRA COCKTAIL Use a chilled glass

One part Italian Vermouth. One part Bacardi Rum. One teaspoonful of sugar. The juice of one half lemon rind chopped. Shake in the shaker with well broken ice, strain

and serve cold in the cocktail glass.

SUMMER COCKTAIL Use a chilled glass

One portion Ama Vermouth. One portion Gancia Vermouth (White). The juice of one half green lemon. Shake in the shaker with well broken ice, estrain

an serve cold in the cocktail glass.

SHERRY AND EGG COCKTAIL Use a chilled glass The yolk of one egg. One teaspoonful of sugar. One small glass of Sherry Wine. Shake well in the shaker with well broken ice, strain and serve in the large cocktail glass, adding a pinch of cinnaman.


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