1929 The Bon Vivant's Companion or How to Mix Drinks by Jerry Thomas




Use large bar glass

One tablespoonjul of sugar. One wineglass of water. One wineglass of brandy. One-half pony glass of cu- One-half wineglass of Ja- ragao. maica rum. The juice of half a lemon. Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and ornament with fruits of the season. Sip the nectar through a straw.



Use large bar glass

One tablespoonful of sugar. One wineglass of Jamaica One tablespoonful of rasp- rum. berry syrup. One-half wineglass brandy. One teaspoonful of curagao. The jidce of half a lemon. Fill with shaved ice, shake well, dash with port wine, and ornament with fruits in season. Imbibe through a straw.

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Use large bar glass One tablespoonful of fine One-half wineglass Santa white sugar. Crtiz rum. Two tablespoonfuls of water. One-third tumblerful of One wineglass of Cognac shaved ice. brandy. Fill with milk, shake the ingredients well together, and grate a little nutmeg on top. II

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