1929 The Bon Vivant's Companion or How to Mix Drinks by Jerry Thomas


L .N making fixes be careful and put the lemon skin in the glass. •••2^!•••


One large teaspoonful of The juice of half a lemon, powdered white sugar,dis- One wineglass of Bourbon solved in a little water. or rye whiskey. Fill up the glass about two-thirds full of shaved ice, stir well, and ornament the top of the glass as directed in the last recipe. •••2 ^2a a* Use small bar glass One tablespoonful of sugar. One-half a wineglass of wa- One-fourth of a lemon. ter. One wineglass brandy. Fill a tumbler two-thirds full of shaved ice. Stir with a spoon,and dress the top with fruit in season. BRANDY FIX

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Use small bar glass

One tablespoonful of sugar One-fourth of a lemon.

One-half a wineglass of water. One wineglass gin. 13s

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