1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

May the hinges of fri end ship never rust or the wings of love lose a feath er.

Here 's to the place where a cl rap of guid drink's to be go tten .

The juice of the grape is g1Ven to him who will use it wisely, as tha t which cheers the heart of m an after toil, refreshes him in sickness, refreshes him in sor row; he who enj oyeth it may thank God for his wine cnp as for his daily bread ; a nd he who abuses the gift o f heaYen is not a greater fool that shine in abstinence.

To s um up all, be merry I advise; 1 \ s we're merry may we still be wise.

H ere's to yo ur fou k , a n' a ' o ur fo uk, a n' a' the fouk that's bee n kind to your fo uk a n' our fouks , and if a' fouk had been as kind to fouk as you fouk's been our fouk, our fouk they wo uld aye h a ' been guid fouk i' the warld sin fouk sin fouk's bin fouks.

Now fill )'Our glasses ane a n a', ,\nd dnnk the toast I gie ye, 0, To merry cluels, a nd lasses bra w And every joy be wi' ye, 0. '

Fair fa' the whisky, O, F air far the whisky, O,

What would a drouthy body do, If 'twere nae for the whisky, O? IOI

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