1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

Arrangement of a Bar

The practi cal proprie tor who expec ts the bes t possible res ults from hi s bar-tenders will pay especia l attenti on to the 111aking ;in cl arrangcrnl' nt o f what is known as the wo rkin g bench. "'hich i:; reall y one o f the mos t im porta n t fi x tun·:-' in a ba r. l ha'·" seen m a n v a ha nd some <'" tahli,; hment here and abroad \\'hi ch has a be nc h th at ha m pers a nd imped es the wo rk o f a good barma n . This is a pLLce in the mak in g o f \\'hi ch no reasonalilc e x pe nse s ho uld be spared. It should be lined \\'ith tinned co pper . The plumbin g s ho uld L>c open a n d sanita r y . The sink for watN s ho ul d be mad

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to contain a t least nme me rnl tubes to conta in th e following bo ttles: t gin. 1 Fren ch ve rmo u t h , t Italian vermouth . t rye \\' hisky, 1 Scotch, 1 bottle orange j uice, 1 buttle lemon juic<", 2 syphons. The 13

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