1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

7. America n B eauty. This is a Ion g drink, use tumbler. 1 t ea5poon - ful of Crcme de Menthe . F ill w it h Ice. Then in an other glass m ix t he follow in g : -/; Oran ge juice, ! Grenadine, } F rench Vermouth , } Cognac. Pour in first glass. Dash t he top with Port \.Vine, dress with fru its a nd a spr ig of fresh m int, and ser ve with a s traw. 8. Angel's K is s. Pour into liqueur glass ~ Crcme de Cacao, F resh Cream. 9. Apple J a ck Cockta il. ! Apple J ack, i Grenadine, i\ Lemon juice . 10. A s toria Cockta il. I d ash Oran ge Bitters, ii Gin ,} French Vermouth . Serve with st uffed O live. 11. Artis t ' s S pecia l. 1 Scotch Whisky, 1 Sherry, i\ Lemon ju ice , ~ Groseille syrup. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass . (Recipe from Aiā€¢tist's Club, 14, Rue Pigalle , Paris.)


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