1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

35. Bromo Seltzer. In a la r ge tumbl er put one t ablespoonful of Bromo Seltzer (which can be procured at a ll chemists) , fill with Soda , then pour into another tumbler. R epeat this t\\"ice until powd er is dissolved, and drink \\"hile fizzing. (A good pick-me -u p for tha t n ext morning feeling.) 36. Bronx Cocktail. } G in, } I'rcnch Yermouth , } Ba ilor Vermouth, the juice of a qu a rter of an Oran ge. 37 . Bronx Terrace Cocktail. ~- Gin, } French Vermouth, Juice of half a Lime. 38. Brooklyn Cocktail . I clash Amer. Picon , r clash of Drio li Marasch– ino, ~ Canadia n Club \~"his ky, } I'rench Vermouth. Brut Cocktail. r das h Angostu ra Bitt ers, } Amer. Picon, French Vermouth. 40 . Bull-Dog. Put 2 or 3 lumps of Ice in a large tumbler , add the Juice of I Oran ge, r glass of Gin. I'ill balance with G in ger Ale . Stir, and ser ve with a straw. 39.

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Bunny's Hug . } Gin, } Scotch W hisky, } Absinthe .


42. Byrrh Cocktail. ·}French Vermouth, -~ Can adian Cl ub Whisky, } Byrrh. (By rrh is something s imilar to Dubonnet but much more dry to the t ast e .) 27

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