1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

54. Chinese Cocktail. I d ash :\n gost11ra , :> clash es D rioli i\Ia raschino , 3 clashes Cu ras·ao, ,';Syru p Gn ·nad ine , ! J a ma ica H um. S ha ke well a nd s tra in . (Recipe by F . P . 1\' e;oma 11 , Paris. )


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55. Chocolate Cocktail.

I yolk of a Fres h Egg , t Yel low Ch a rtreuse , ;} Port \\'ine , I t easpoon ful o f G ruuncl Chocolate . Sha ke we ll.

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56. Chorus Lady Cocktail. } G in , 1 Ita lia n Vermouth, } Fren ch Vermouth, add the Juice o f al Ora n ge . Ser ve in o ld -fashioned w his k y glass with s lice of orang('. (Recipe by .·II. Oa.les , Sa va.1111ah .) Cider Cup . r liqueu r o f Calvaclos , r liq ueur of B randy , r liq ueu r of Curac;;ao, 1 bottle of Cider, 1 bottle o f Perrier or Solla \Yater . P reparc t he same way as Ch a mpa gne Cu p . 57.

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58. Cinzano Cocktail.

2 clashes of An gostura, 2 clashes of Orange Bitters , r glass of Cinzano Yermouth. Sha ke we ll and s tra in into cockt ail glass, a nd s queeze oran ge p eel on top . 3 r

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