1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

107 . Gangadine Cocktail. I t easpoonful o f Frambo ise Syru p, k Oxygen ee Cusenier , 1Gin,1 W hite Mi nt . Shake we ll, and strai n in t o cocktai l glass, (Note .-Oxygence is a white Abs in t he wh ich is i:iow manufactured in B e lgi um s ince its prohibition 111 F ra n ce. ) 108. Gazette Cocktail. I t eas poonful Gomme Syrup, 1 teas poonful L emo n juice, 2 da.'ihes of Oran ge Bitters, k Bra ndy , k Ita li an \'ermouth . Serve in w ine glass with one who le s lice of L emon . (Recipe by Wm. R eno , at the Freerstone Cafe, Toledo, Ohio.) 109. Gilroy Cocktail. k G in,! r\oi ll y Prat, i Cherry Brandy , ! Kirsch, Sha ke we ll . Strain into cockta il glass. 110. Gimlet . t Pl y m outh G in, .\- Rose's Lime Juice Cordia l. Stir, and serve i11 same glass. Can be icC'd if d es ired. A ver y popu la r beve rage in t he Navy . 111 . Gin and CINzano. it Cinzan o Ita lia n Ver mouth , t London Dry Gin . 112. Gin Cocktail. I t easpoonful of Gomme Syrup, 2 clashes of Orange B itters, 2 d as hes of J\ngostura B itters , re mainuer G in. Shake we ll a nd se r ve \\' it h Che rry· 113. Gin Daisy . Sa me as Brandy Daisy . 43

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