1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

123. Gloom Ch aser Co ckta il. i Curas;ao, ! Grand i\Ia.rni er . f.. G ren ad ine, Lemon juice. 1 Barcad i R u m. Shake we!I and st ra in into coc kta i1 glass . (Recipe by " Char/i.e .'' the pop11lar !3arle11der. Ermitage , Champs Elysees, Paris .) 124. Gloom R a is er . 2 clashes of Abs in the, 2 clash es of Grenad ine. i N icholson 's G in. 1 French Vermouth , Lemon Pee l . (RecipB by "Robert ," of the Embassy. ) 126. Golden Slipper. 1- glass of Yellow Ch a rtre use in to small "ine – glass , then drop one yolk of a Fres h Egg and ~ glass Eau de V ie d e Dantzig. (R ecipe by Harry j ohns o11 , New Orleans.) 127. Greenbria r Cocktail. r clash P each B itters . } F rench Vennou th, ~- Sherry . one spr ig of Fresh Mint. Shake we ll, and st ra in. 128. Green Room Cockta il. -~ F rench Vermout h , t Brandy, 2 clashes of Curas;ao. Shake well and strain int o cocktail glass. 46 125 . Golden Fizz. Simila r t o G in Fizz . Yolk of a F resh Egg aclclecl .

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