1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

159. Last Round Cocktail. t Gi n, !i Noyeau de Poissy, t Cointreau, t Brandy. J'\ote : Th is cock tail wo n the Fir~t l'rize at the Ladi es' Cocktail Contes t at t he H otel Cla ridge, b,· Mel lie. Dond ja ui . 160. Lawhill Cockta il . I d as h of ,\ngos tu ra , J d;hh o f Abs in t he . I clash o f D r io li il la r;tschino, t 1-rc nch Vermo uth, '.i Canacl ia n Club \\'h is ky. Shake \\-e ll, a ncl s tra in into cocktail g lass . 161. Lea ve-it-to-1ne Cockta il. r t easpoonfu l H as pberry Sy rup, 1 teaspoonfu l Le mo n Juice , r cl ash Drioli :'l la rasch ino , fr Cin . 162. Legion Cocktail. On e clas h Ferne t Branca , t Cu rac;-ao , t Bramh·. it Vit al i Vermou th. Sh ake \\"l'll ;111d st rain , and squeeze O ra nge T'ee l in to coc kta il g lass . (Recipefro111 Luigi , E/111a11o's Bar, Paris .) 163. Lemon Squ as h . In a la rge tumbl e r put t he juice o f o ne L emo n , 2 t easpoonfub of C;1 s to r Sugar, h a lf fi ll the g b ss with c r;i c ked icC' , fi ll balance Soda , a nd stir\\·cll. 164. Leroi Cocktail. r y o lk of FrC's h Egg, t Cura<;ao, t B ra ndy, t S loe G in , I t eas poonful of Has pbc rry Sy rup, 1 teaspoo n– ful of Cream , 1 teaspoonful of Lemo n Juice. 165. "L. G." Cocktai l. One gl a<>s o f Sco t ch \\'his ky, o ne g lass of Bee r as a ch aser. :'\ote: Fa,·o uri tc cl rink up in Scotland w ith the L a bo ur i\I.P. 's . 166. Little Devil Cocktail. t L em on Juice , t Coi ntreau , -} Bacarcl i Rum, t G in. Shake we ll and stra in in to cockta il g lass. (R ecipe from Fitz, Giro's Ba r, L o11do11, my ta le apt pupil .) 55





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