1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)


Ro~ra l Cockta il.

! 1 (;in . :': 1:r1'11ch \"cnnu u\'h, ~ Cherry 13ra ndy, I d;L~h J) ri1.I i \f;ira schino. Shake we11 a nd s train in to cockta il glass , " ·i tit Cherry. (Recipe by Otis 1 Tacll in11ey,from the Hotel R oyal, Nice , 1908 .) 246 . Roya l Fizz. Y o lk o f a Fresh E gg , r teas poonful o f Grenadine , Ju ice o f ~- Ora nge , Juice of } Lemon, r glass of Nicho lson ',; <._;in . Sh ake \\·ell a nd st rain into medium-s ized tumble r. Fill balance w ith syphon. 247. Roya l Smile. T he ju ice of r Lime , r t easpoon ful of Grenad ine, i} App le J ack or Ca lvados ,} G in. Shake we ll and strain into small ,,·ineglass . 248. Ruby Fizz . r t easpoonful of Suga r, r Fresh E gg, r glass of Sloe G in . Sha ke we ll a nd strain into med ium-s ized tumbler a nd fill b;ila ncc with G inger Ale . (Recipe by 1!'111. Yarrow, of 1 IcD011agh Bros ., 1 Jarliet S treet, S an Fra11cisco , Cal. )

249. Rum Crustas . As B randy Crustas .

250 .

Rum Daisy . As Brandy Daisy . Rum Flip. As B randy F lip.

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