1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

272. Six Cylinder Cocktail. t Cherry Brandy, ! Gin, f. Campari, t Dubonne t, t French Vermouth, t Ita li a n Vermouth . 273. Skoal Cocktail. t Swedish Punch, 1i Ani sette, ~ Lemon juice. (Recipe : /a ell Va. 11rlcrlaiul , liartender, )/ e Old~ College A 1·111;, L e T o1u1uel.) 274 . Sloeberry Cocktail. r das h Angostura Bitters , r d as h Orange Hittvrs, 1 g lass Sloe Gi n. Shake well and strain. 275. Snowball Cocktail. ! Creme d e Violette , & White Cr0me d e ~l cnth e , t Anisette , t Fresh Cream, ;} G in. Shake well and stra in into cocktail g lass . 276 . Soda Cocktail. I t easpoonful of Suga r in a la rge tumbler, 4 clash es o f Angostura. Mix it we ll, acid r lump Ice , r piece of Lemon peel squeezecl in glass, and pour in a bottle of Schweppe 's Lemonade, a nd stir . 277. Some Moth Cocktail . fr N icho lson's Gin, ;} No illy Prat F rench Vermouth, r clash of Abs inthe. Sha ke well, and strain into cocktai l g lass . Adel two pickled s ilver onions . 278. So So Cocktail. t Grenad ine , -!; Calvados , ;} Cinzano Yermou th, ;} G in. (1 nvented by 1 1 r . P. Sosa, the popular 111a 11a.gcr a/Giro's Club, London .) 279. Soul Kiss . t Orange Juice , t Dubonnet , t Fren ch Ver– mo uth, t Canadian Club Whis ky, r s lice of Orange. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. 78


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