1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

. The work is also a n excellen t g uide for private ind ividuals-lad ies a nd gentlemen who entertain in their homes-as ample and e x p licit direc tio ns for m a king a n d ser ving t hese d elicio us beveragc·s are given. Stewards of clu bs, dining-car ma n age rs, a nd butlers in pri vate families. and a ll those who cater to the exclusive classes , w ill find this work a n almost indispensabk aid to t hem in the perfo rmance of their duties. The meri t and hono ur invoh·e .l in a ny occ upation- w ith all that t his asse rtion rn1plies-lies wholly in the conscien ti•ius and intelligent m a nner in which the d11ti(;s o f that occupation are d ischarged. In recen t y<'ars the bar business. keep ing pace wit h o ther de partmen ts of commercial en ter p rise to whic h o ur growing and con1plcx civilizatinn has gi,·cn in1pctus, has d eveloped into a profession requiring the h ighi.:st order o f scientific skill to e ns ure s uccess . To all those engaged in t he dis pe nsing o f lici uors who are ambitious to elevate t he ir busin(;ss to t he verv highest plane of excellen ce th is poc ket g11icle wi il appeal with greater force afli.;r they s hall have examined its conte nts a nd rea lized the full e xten t of its u sefulness and va lue . Prompted more h v a desire t o confer a Ltsting benerit upon fellow-wo rkers in the g re



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