1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

285 . Stinger. :} "White Cremc de i\Jcnth c , 1 B ra ndy . Shake well a nd stra in in to coc k tai l g lass . 28 6. St. Marc Cocktail. i Gro isc llc , } Gin, i Ch erry B ra ndy, } Fren ch Vermouth . Sh a ke we ll, s tra in in to coc kta il g lass . (Recipe by Lric Forres tci', Barte11der , Cercle de Nautique , Caunes.) 287. Stone Fence . Put r glass o f \Vhis ky in large tumbler, add 1 r.r 2 lumps of Ice, a nd fill bala nce with Cid er. 288. Sunshine Cocktail. r t easpoon ful o f Sugar , o r Gomme Syrup, Ju ice of :J: L emon, add} Etournard 's Brandy , ii hin loch 's "Liquid Sunshine" Hum . Sh a ke we ll and st rain. 289. Swissess. r white of a Fresh Egg, r t easpoo nful uf An i'c t te Syrnp, r g lass o f Abs inth e . Shake we ll togeth er, a nd strain in to s ma ll win e– glass , and add a dash of syphon on t op. (This is a v ery good bracer fo r th a t fee lin g of th e mo rnin g a.!i:er the night before.) 290. Summer Delight. In a shaker 1 full of Cracked Ice ,~ gi ll of Cinza no ~ Vermouth, r liqueur g lass Pineapple Syrup . I Shake well, stra in into a medium-s ized glass, fill 1 up w ith Soda \•Vater , place in the glass a piece u f P in eapple and ser ve w ith straws . So

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