1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)
321. Wembley Cockta il. ± Sco tch W his ky , } Fren ch Ve rmo uth , } Pin e – apple Jui ce . Sha ke \\'e ll a nd s train in to cockta il g lass . (Recipe by Charlie F orrester , Grafloll C lu b , Lolldon.) 322. West Indian Cocktail. r t efclpoonful o f Cane Sugar in medium-s ized tumb ler, 4 d ashes An gostura, 1 t easpoonful of fresh L ime o r Lemon Ju ice , 1 g lass of Gin , 1 l ump o f Ice . Stir , a nd ser ve in same glass . 323 . Whisky Cocktail. I teaspoonfu l of Gorn me Syrup, 3 d ashes of Angostura, r glass of Sco tch ur Canad ian Club v\lhisky.
324 . Whisky Grustas . As Bran dy Crus tas.
325 . Whisky D a isy . As Brandy Daisy .
326 . Whisky Flip. As Brandy F lip . 327 . Whisky Julep. Same as Mint Julep . 328. Whisky :C our . Prepared the same \\'ay as B ra ndy So ur. 329. Whisky Smash . As Brandy Smash. 88
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