1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

Laugh a t a ll things, Great a n d small things, Sick or well, on sea o r shore, While we are qua ffing Let's h a ve some laughing. \¥ ho the d evil cares for more ?

vVhile we live le t 's live in clover, For when we're dea d we're

Let h er roll.

Be glad and your friends are m any, Be sad and you lose them a ll ; They do not decline your nectared wine, B ut alon e you must drink life 's gall.

Let's h ave a smile .

To my enemies here 's my toast I hope each shall be a ghost, And that the devil Will ne'er be a d a y well Till a ll h ave been given a roast.

Sing, a nd the hills w ill a nswer Sigh, it is lost on the a ir; T h e echoes bound to a joyo us sound, And good wine ba nishes care.

Woman. She n eeds no eulogy . She speaks for herself. Champagne for o ur real friends and real pa ins for our sh am friends. 96

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