1930 Here's How


Grape Juice Punch—{With Liquor) For 6 People. Use Glass Pitcher.

1 pony brandy. 1 pony maraschino.

1 pony yellow chartreuse. 1 dash grenadine syrup. Juice of Vz a lemon, 1 long cube icc. 1 quart grope juice. 1 pint ApolUnaris. Dress with fruit and mint.

Ginger Aie Punch—{Without Liquor) For Party of 6 People. Glass Pitcher.

Juice of 3 lemons. Juice of 3 oranges. 2 shots grenadine syrup. Sugar to tûste. Frappe and strain into pitcher. Add 1 quart ginger aie. 1 long cube ice. Dress with fruit in season and put one bunch of mint ontop.

Rhine Winc Punch

Use large glass pitcher. 1 shot French brandy. Vz shot maraschino. V2 shot benedictine. 1 dash white curacao. 1 long cube ice. 1 pint Apollinaris. 1 quart Rhine winc.

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