1930 Here's How


A/erry Widow Fizz

Juice of Vz a lemon. Juice of V2an orange. 1 barspoonful of sugar. 1 shot sloc gin. 1 white of an egg. Shake well, strain into lemonade glass. Fxll with siphon. Scotch Whiskey Fizz Juice of one small lemon. 1 barspoonful of sugar. 1 shot Scotch whiskey. Shake, strain into glass and fill with siphon. Whiskey Fizz Juice of Vz a lemon. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 shot rye or bourbon whiskey, whichever customer prefers. Shake, strain and fill glass with fizz water. 1 shot brandy. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 egg. Shake well in fine icc. Gratc nutmeg on top. Coffee FUp Vz shot brandy. V2 shot port. 1 egg. 1 barspoonful of sugar. Shake well. Grated nutmeg on top. FLIPS Brandy Fltp

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