1930 Here's How



Rum and Honey or Molasses Use whiskey glass into which put 1 barspoon- ful of honey or molasses. Let customer help himself with rum. Sherry and Bitters 1 dash of bitters and fill glass with sherry wine and serve. Sherry and Egg 1 barspoonful of sherry wine. 1 fresh egg and fiU glass with sherry until it éoats. Serve. Snowball 1 white of egg. 1 barspoon sugar. 1 shot rum or brandy. Shake, strain and fill glass with ginger aie and serve. Spécial Saut Kiss 1 shot orange juice. 1 shot lemon juice. 1 shot dry gin. 1 barspoon sugar. Shake well and pour ice and ail into goblet and serve. Stone Fence 1 shot rye whiskey. 2 lumps ice. Fin glass with cîder. Stir well and serve. Stonewall 1 barspoon sugar. 2 lumps ice. 1 shot whiskey. 1 pint of ginger aie. Stir up well with spoon and serve.

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